(DeadlyTrade) 데들리트레이드 Release Scheduled.
안녕하세요. 데들리크러쉬(DeadlyCrush::DedalyTrade)입니다.
Hello. This is DeadlyCrush. :D
[DeadlyTrade][ Release Scheduled]
The upcoming DeadlyTrade Overhaul release will come with a new UI, new features, bug fixes and a better speed. There are a lot of improvements. If there isn't a big error found in the next 2 days, it will be updated.
업데이트 예정인 DeadlyTrade Overhaul 버전은 전반적인 UI, 기능, 속도, 버그 수정, 신규 기능 등의
많은 개선 사항들이 있습니다.
치명적인 오류가 발견되지 않는다면 2일 이내 업데이트 될 예정입니다.
Here is work in progress some preview. Thank you.
preview :: Main HUD Rework.
preview :: Atlas Overlay new feature added.
preview :: Region map search rework.
preview :: new Flask image timer, skill timer ui changed.
preview :: a better speed. (ex: POE.Ninja Tool)
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